I can’t help but wonder why more people don’t know enough about jewellery after-all whether its clothes, food or even our favourite music artists we’re all easily able to churn out information and interesting facts so why not do the same for jewellery?
Here are some interesting facts about jewellery...
~Although South Africa is today the world’s largest supplier of diamonds, it wasn´t until 1867 when the diamons was discovered in the African Continent. This precious jewel was originally discovered in India over two thousand years ago! In the Victorian era, diamonds were often brought over from India and were much more exclusive for wealthy people.
~The word diamond actually comes from the Greek word ‘Adamant’ meaning invincible, (fans of Wolverine can guess the origin of the word Adamantium wich is the material used for reinforce the bones structure of this mutant hero). However diamonds aren’t completely indestructible; in-fact smash it with a hammer and it will shatter into pieces!
~The reason engagement rings are placed on the third finger of the left hand? In ancient times it was believed that in this finger there is a special vein that leads directly to the heart; otherwise known as the vein of love. Isn´t it romantic?
~Many consider diamonds to be the most valuable gem but a quality emerald can easily be worth more.

~Ever seen Moulin Rouge? The necklace Nicole Kidman wears is the most expensive piece of jewellery ever created for a movie.
~The first gold necklace is said to have been created around 2000BC, before this, necklaces were often made of animal bones and teeth.
This year, why not expand you’re jewellery knowledge; you’d be surprised to learn just how interesting it can all be! The above are just a few interesting facts but have a look around, there are hundreds of sources and interesting information easily available.
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